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steam flow中文是什么意思

用"steam flow"造句"steam flow"怎么读"steam flow" in a sentence


  • 汽流


  • Software design for steam flow totalizer
  • Numerical simulation of wet steam flow with spont - aneous condensation in turbine cascade
  • The steam turbine is a machine regards steam as the work substance , and transforms thermal energy into kinetic energy of steam flow
  • The steam path of the steam turbine through which steam flows consists of nozzles , and the moving blade , fixed blade and other auxiliary equipment
  • The steam flows through two large diameter ducts ( 2000 ) to the condenser . steam enters from this distribution manifold into the finned tubes at the top of the primary condensing bundles
    蒸汽通过1个大孔径管道( 2000 )分为两个管道( 1600 )流入凝汽器。蒸汽通过配汽集管进入一次冷凝管束顶部的翅片管道。
  • The study also shows that the unidentified steam leak quantity is not exceeded to 0 . 3 % of the main steam flow after the system is isolated . so the steam leak of the thermal system is little , and the system is sealed well
    研究结果还表明,系统隔离后不明泄漏量均不超过主汽流量的0 . 3 % ,整个热力系统外漏量较少,系统严密程度较好。
  • The response was compared with that obtained through simulation realized by the use of matlab and the actual process on different steam flow , feed water flow , fuel flow and control method
  • To know well the behavior of three - dimensional steam flow and heat transfer in the condenser , a quasi three - dimensional program is adopted to numerically analyse the steam flow field and heat transfer performance of a two - pass power plant condenser numerically
  • In this paper , through the cfd modeling of the ash - agglomerated fluidized bed gasifier , the gas molar concentration distributions in the bed with the influences of the oxygen flow rate from the central nozzle , the steam flow rate from the distributor and the pressure of the bed are studied
  • The accurate models of steam pressure controlled system were established in accord with the theory of marine boiler . the response was compared with that obtained through simulation realized by the use of matlab and actual process on different steam flow , fuel flow and control method
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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